Migration to Power BI

Our accelerator package to quickly and efficiently migrate your BI dashboards and infrastructure to Power BI

Our team of business intelligence consultants will partner with you to replicate your BI dashboards, reports, ETL process and infrastructure in Power BI. It is important when engaging on a migration exercise to not just replicate what you have but to enhance it, we will partner with you to maximise your return-on-investment and the value the BI solutions bring to your business.

Top reasons our clients have given for migrating to Power BI. 

Why Migrate to Power BI?


Power BI empowers users to design and deploy their own reports and analyses, it helps everyone in your organization to find insightful answers to critical business questions. Fostering a data-driven culture can assist organizations in becoming self-aware and “able to adapt to the unpredictable more quickly than their competitors could.” A pervasive data-driven culture can incentivize employees at any level of the organization to generate and distribute actionable knowledge.

Decrease Complexity and Reduce Costs

Most enterprises use on average 3+ different BI platforms. This causes an overload of reports that are hard to find, creates duplication and redundancy of information, increases chance of errors, and introduces liability to the enterprise. Leading to governance nightmare, productivity loss, and lack of control of the reporting environment. Rationalizing the delivery of enterprise BI to a single platform, Microsoft, addresses these issues

Increase Productivity and Efficiency

Address economic pressures for increased productivity with fewer resources, time, and staffing. Drive user adoption by focusing on end-user needs and building accessible solutions that enable users to get the insights they need.

Integrate with Power Platform

Accelerate innovation and reduce costs as you analyse data, automate processes, and build apps, websites, and virtual agents with Power Platform. Power BI has in-built integration with the Azure data platform. It brings together data integration, enterprise data warehousing, and big data analytics with a unified experience to ingest, explore, prepare, transform, manage, and serve data for immediate BI and machine learning needs.

Our Migration Strategy

  • 1

    Catalogue BI & Data assets

    Discovery of customer’s BI
    reporting and data landscape

  • 2

    Consumption Insights

    Analysis based on the
    usage history and
    organizational hierarchy

  • 3

    Metadata lnsights

    Identification of duplicity
    and redundancy of
    reporting assets

  • 4

    Assets Rationalisation

    Rationalize based on
    consumption insights
    metadata insights

  • 5

    Gap identification imapct assessment

    Understand the current business needs and
    associated gaps along with the impact of

  • 6

    Prioritization and Roadmap

    Build a roadmap based on the impact
    assessment and change management

  • 7

    Accelerated Report Migration

    Implementation of
    Power BI reports

  • 8

    Adoption & Govemance

    Nurture data culture through driving
    adoption. implement govemance
    policies to ensure security and stability

How we Achieve Power BI Migration Success

Every migration is slightly different. It can depend on the organizational structure, data strategies, data management

maturity, and organizational objectives.

Learn about our Vortex migration acceleration process.

Executive sponsorship

Identify an executive sponsor early in the process.

Training, support, and communication

Recognize that it’s more than just a technology initiative. Any BI or analytics project is also a people initiative, so consider investing early in user training and support.

Quick wins

We prioritize high-value items that have tangible business value and demonstrate the value of the migration immediately.

Modernization and improvements

Be willing to rethink how things have always been done. Migration can provide an opportunity to deliver improvements. Refactor, modernize, and consolidate overlapping existing reports into one, or eliminating legacy items that haven’t been used for some time.

Continual learning

Be prepared to use a phased approach while continually learning and adapting. Work in short, iterative cycles to bring value quickly.

Overcoming resistance to change

Understand there may be varying levels of resistance to change; some users will resist learning a new tool. We are well-versed in overcoming these challenges to make your migration successful.

Case Studies

Migration to Power BI Assessment

Get in touch to book a migration assessment.

In this assessment, we will review your current BI reporting platform and plan the process for moving it across to Power BI. We will create a roadmap for migrating you from your existing business intelligence platform to Power BI.

Following the assessment, we will send you a proposal detailing a full migration strategy that includes:

  1. Cost savings attainable by converting to Power BI
  2. Cost evaluation of the migration exercise
  3. How Power BI can be used to drive the adoption of your data analytics tools
  4. Recommendations for making the most of the entire Microsoft data stack
  5. Identification of any opportunities to increase business value