Internal Fraud Analytics


A risk assessment scoring system for relationship managers
Successful on-going measurement of fraud events and activity allowing the audit department instant identification of potential fraudulent activity.


  • Complex design requirement for a dynamically weighted scoring system to assess the risk at a resource level.
  • KPIs needed to be scored from the CRM and multiple transactional systems.
  • The transactional systems were distributed across 7 countries and had unique tabular designs.
  • Test data was highly limited due to country specific private banking regulations and protection of account holder identification. Testing could only be incurred in-country, separate from country of development.
  • The solution needed to be backward compatible – i.e. be able to test and score known past fraudulent activities.


  • A relational database was used to build views of transactional and aggregated levels of data.
  • A QlikView dashboard was designed to allow variable weighting of risk points, over 30 KPIs.
  • Highly complex risk calculations were tested and validated in the front end before being moved to and optimized in the ETL process.
  • The QlikView data model incorporated a linked table and dual calendar (data island) design.


  • The audit department could instantly identify relationship managers that needed to be investigated internally.
  • The ability to immediately change individual risk weightings allowed auditors to build a level of significance across their board of leading indicators.


  • The client successfully back tested all known fraud events.
  • The client identified multiple cases of potential historic fraudulent activity.
  • Potential cases of active fraud where bough to the clients attention for immediate investigation.