We are pleased to announce that the Pomerol Partners #dataDNA group has been included in a new program for well-managed groups on LinkedIn!
What an amazing community we have and this is a testament to our #dataDNA creator Leon Gordon and Ambassadors Jocelyn Rivera, Kavita Behera, Karrie Liu (CMath FIMA), Shungu Dhlamini and Stephanie French for supporting our community.
Our sponsors:
Astrato Analytics
Past ambassadors: Federico Pastor, Karolina Grodzinska, Papri Banerjee, Oyindamola Jimoh and Prajakta Soman.
And past and present guest judges:
Helen Wall
Jordan Goldmeier
Joe Warbington 📊
Cody Riemenschneider
Emily Cline
Kate Strachnyi
∞ Ravit Jain ∞
Susan Walsh – The Classification Guru
Marleen Meier
Dustin Schimek
Pragati Jain
Ahmed Oyelowo (MVP, MCT, AFM)
Kristen Kehrer
Roshaan Khan
Leonardo Karpinski
Armand van Amersfoort
Bill Shander
See LinkedIn post here with the announcement!
And of course thank you to all of the community members! Keep learning and growing in data!
Join our hashtag dataDNA group – https://www.linkedin.com/groups/9075495/